Brian Hartgen’s Scripts Now Work with iTunes 7

Brian Hartgen recently released version 3 of his iTunes scripts, which work with version 6.5 and 7 of iTunes. They work a bit better with version 6.5 because version 7 is less accessible, but most features work well in both versions. There are two versions of the scripts, one for iTunes 6.5 and one for version 7; be sure to download the one corresponding to your version of iTunes.

The scripts for version 7 do not work with JAWS 7.1, so if you want to use them, you’ll need JAWS version 5.0, 6.0, 6.2 or 7.0. If you use iTunes 6.5, you can use JAWS 7.1 as well. Nice job, Brian!

3 Responses to “Brian Hartgen’s Scripts Now Work with iTunes 7”

  1. Easy tax tips Says:

    Tax Tips

    Cool information thanks!

  2. Beat The System Says:

    Proxy list information

    Cool information thanks!

  3. Lamp land Says:


    Cool information thanks!

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